Wednesday, November 7, 2007

English Learning - YouTube - Englishbanana

BananaEnglish Free Video Lessons

Video Podcast #8 - Introducing - English Schools

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File Size : 1.57 MByte

Video Podcast #7 - Better Handwriting

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File Size : 3.80 MByte

Answers - The words are:
1. my 2. Thursday 3. nights
4. was 5. after 6. him
7. watched 8. manufacture 9. or
10. what 11. English 12. I
13. floors 14. ready 15. work
16. there 17. about 18. used
19. run 20. huge

Video Podcast #6 - Learn Prepositions of Place... with Winston Churchill

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File Size : 3.67 MByte

Video Podcast #5 - Visit Beautiful Sydney

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File Size : 2.24 MByte

Video Podcast #4 - Where's Annie's Elephant?

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File Size : 2.09 MByte

Answers -
The other animals are:

1. dog
2. bear
3. frog
4. cow
5. duck
6. horse
7. bird
8. owl
9. monster

Video Podcast #3 - Favourite Colours

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File Size : 2.18 MByte

Answers -
Write down each person's favourite colour:

1. Jerry's favourite colour is orange.
2. Patty's favourite colour is brown.
3. Louise's favourite colour is yellow.
4. Sammy's favourite colour is purple.
5. Elaine's favourite colour is light green.
6. Joanne's favourite colour is red.
7. Nicky's favourite colour is light blue.
8. George's favourite colour is dark green.
9. Megan's favourite colour is grey.
10. Paul's favourite colour is pink.

Video Podcast #2 - Kings & Queens of England

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File Size : 6.60 MByte

Answers -

My cousin Jeffrey made 5 mistakes:
King John ruled England before King Stephen - WRONG!

King Canute ruled England after King Edward the Confessor - WRONG!

King Richard the Lionheart ruled England after King Edward II - WRONG!

King Edward II ruled England before King Athelstan - WRONG!

King Edmund I ruled England after King William II - WRONG!

Reference: check out an online timeline of Kings and Queens of England here.

Video Podcast #1 - What's Missing?

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File Size : 6.12 MByte


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Answers -

The 10 objects are -

#1 - The glass is missing.

#2 - The banana is missing.

#3 - The watch and pen are missing.

#4 - The book is missing.

#5 - The watch is missing.

#6 - Everything is missing, except the newspaper and the book.



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Keywords: TOEFL, TOEIC, EFL, ESL, ELT, ESOL, TEFL, TEFL, TESOL, English as a Second Language, English as a 2nd Language, English as a Foreign Language, English learner, English language study,learn English online,on-line English Learning,Free English Learning,improve pronunciation English Free,English pronunciation software,free English learning online,learning activities in English for Beginners,learning English Books


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