Thursday, February 28, 2008

Learning English Daily English Show 488-490

Watch and Download Daily English Show (TDES) Series for Free

#490 Last day in Nelson, Anti-spam Law, TDES radio interview
5 min - Sep 8, 2007

#489 Steve from the White House, Artificial surf reef
10 min - Sep 7, 2007

#488 What to do when you see a bear, Thailand YouTube
8 min - Sep 6, 2007



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Keywords: TOEFL, TOEIC, EFL, ESL, ELT, ESOL, TEFL, TEFL, TESOL, English as a Second Language, English as a 2nd Language, English as a Foreign Language, English learner, English language study,learn English online,on-line English Learning,Free English Learning,improve pronunciation English Free,English pronunciation software,free English learning online,learning activities in English for Beginners,learning English Books


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