Thursday, May 1, 2008

700 Classroom Activities

700 Classroom Activities

Macmillan Books for Teachers

This is a book which does exactly what it says on the cover. It provides a huge instant repertoire of teaching ideas - including both classroom classics that all ELT teachers come to know and love - and fresh new activities at a range of levels from elementary to upper intermediate.

The clear organisation of the book makes it easy to cross-refer and supplement your course book or syllabus. All the activities have been classroom-tested - and none of them require photocopying.

Download Link

Download 700 Classroom Activities.PDF (

Download 700 Classroom Activities.PDF (

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Anonymous said...

The link is not valid anymore! Could you upload it again?

Jonathon Zilber said...

is there a password for this?

Anonymous said...
The links are working :)

Good luck


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